DISCRIPTION: Jaguar Power Penis Enlargement Cream (Made in FRANCE), Cell: 01913-373-167 Help to improve penis & increase the size with herbal extract. No side effect... Home Delivery, Delivery at your Door Step - OPEN: 09 AM – 10:30 PM @ (IF YOU CAN DO SOMETHING TODAY DON'T LEAVE IT UNTIL TOMORROW) .... Order Now for Same Day Delivery: Cell: 01913373167
FEATURES: Jaguar Power Penis Enlargement Cream (Made in
FRANCE), Cell: 01913373167
Greetings !!
We are the direct & original sexual product seller.**
Help to improve penis & increase the size with herbal
extract. No side effect
Jaguar power penis enlargement (Made in FRANCE) - is a
mixture of HERBAL and exotic from around the world. Each ingredient has been
proven to strengthen and enlarge your penis and improve your sexual
performance. Very carefully tested by doctors, and manufactured in strict
compliance, Made in Paris - FRANCE. Additional formula has proven to be the
most effective and most powerful for both men ever developed.
Very strong product, with new and advanced formulations:
1. Jaguar Power
Penis Enlargement Cream efficiency has five times bigger penis thickness,
increases sexual desire and lust, intercourse period with deep sexual acts, and
purifying the white color of the penis and disinfection area of sexuality.
2. Enhancing
strong, rapid and long-time close and late ejaculation granted.
3. Enhancing
constant diameter, thick and overall penis size as permanent and lifelong.
4. Enhancing the
rate and duration of erection (straight and erect penis) as a very hearty and
5. Light skin
color and bleach penis.
6. Increases semen
volume and the amount of semen during ejaculation thrust (due to having the
plants of nutrients and tonics). The high doses of vitamins in the CREAM are
easily absorbed through the skin cells of the penis.
7. All other Usage
Instructions noted on packed
Discount Price Offer: 3,700 Taka
Courier Service Charge: 100 Taka
** Please don’t be hesitate & shy, feel free to phone
01913373167 to collect for your life romantic & enjoy full. Thank you. Have
a good time.
With Regards
Cell: 01913373167
If you can do something today don't leave it until tomorrow,
because tomorrow might never come, get your happy SEX life back with satisfied